UBUNTU Liberation Movement - ONE SMALL TOWN


Mam nadzieje, ze spotkaliscie sie juz z dzialaniem Michael-a Tellinger-a z RPA.

Oprocz contrybutionizmu Michal wie duzo na temat tego co sie tu dzieje na tej Ziemi, jak dzialaja pieniadze, jak dzialaja banki, rzady itd.

Moze ktos zna jakiegos burmistrza miasta w Polsce, ktory bylby otwarty na zainstalowanie generatora pradu, ktorego wlascicielem byli by mieszkancy tego miasta.

Prosze przeczytac ponizsza informacje i sprawdzic, co jest na ich stronie. Prosimy o jakies sensowne komentarze lub jakies propozycje.


[size=150]UBUNTU[/size] is an ancient African philosophy that refers to our human-ness; our selfless-ness; and our connected-ness.

It is all about unity and harmony within our community. Where people care for each other and look out for each other, as if they were part of a great big family. In UBUNTU communities, money has no place and everyone contributes their skills and talents for the benefit of the whole community. All ancient tribes and civilisations around the world share the same philosophy by different names.

​The most frequently used definition of UBUNTU is: I am what I am because of who we all are

In a similar fashion, the native American Cherokee Tribe have this belief:

“If it’s not good for everyone, it’s no good at all.”



Since 2005, the UBUNTU Movement has grown to over 140 countries, and matured into a movement that unites people from all walks of life into higher levels of consciousness and a simple plan of action to create a world of abundance & prosperity for all – across all borders and cultures. A world that can never fall back into the mess we find ourselves in today. Our system is called [b]

[/b] – where everyone contributes their talents and skills for the benefit of all in their community.

No-one homeless; No-one hungry – Everyone cherished for their talents and contributions.

We call it “ONE SMALL TOWN – Will Change The World”

[size=150]Out of the darkest times - comes the most inspiring message

Of hope and prosperity for the future of humanity.[/size]

Dear All,

The ONE SMALL TOWN strategy is spreading rapidly and I do expect all UBUNTU members and supporters to play their part in spreading the message actively - share the videos with your Mayors.

I have been filled with endless inspiration during this crazy time while under lock-down. Please visit the UBUNTU Planet website regularly for news and updates added under the ONE SMALL TOWN page.

We now have PowerPoint presentations and videos of the basic ONE SMALL TOWN plan of action - for several countries. The videos include the Green Renewable Electricity supply. Please watch and STUDY the written content of the video - to bring you up to speed with OST strategy.

Here are the links to the videos already loaded on YouTube - More will follow every day.

USA - [media]https://youtu.be/3GiNuYXYEu0[/media]

AUSTRALIA - [media]https://youtu.be/J3S0nEXrTw0[/media]

SOUTH AFRICA - [media]https://youtu.be/iogPVoba5js[/media]

IRELAND - [media]https://youtu.be/emOm9euzE08[/media]


Please support the UBUNTU office

Buy something from our Shop HERE OR Subscribe with a monthly contribution HERE

Here is the generic message to the Mayors Of Small Towns - in all countries.

MESSAGE OF HOPE & PROSPERITY – For People Everywhere

From the Ashes of Corona Virus – Comes a New Solution and Prosperity for all.

A New Way of Thinking About Our Future and Our Destiny

If you live in a small town, where the hopes of the people have been shattered, by the effects of economic decay and lockdown - and you don’t know what to do – how your family and your community can recover, to create a beautiful life for yourselves, your family and your community … There is a simple solution.

The ONE SMALL TOWN initiative can help you rebuild your town, stimulate your economy, and lay a foundation for a new way of thinking about our future, taking control of our destiny, and creating prosperity and abundance for all in our community.

It starts with the supply and control of your own electricity. We will deliver a green, renewable energy generator – new technology, that will belong to the people of your community. It will provide electricity significantly cheaper that your current provider. The income from your own electricity will remain in your hands, and fund everything your community needs.

This simple plan requires no financial commitment, and no risk to you, your Mayor, nor the council, or the people. All we need is a commitment from the Mayor to start the process. If you live in a town that needs help – Speak to your Mayor – show him/her our video and contact us. Don’t wait another day. [email protected]

ONE SMALL TOWN – Will Change The world – Why not Yours?

In unity & resonance

Michael Tellinger

Founder of the UBUNTU Movement

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XTHLLWvqAI to do mnie lepiej trafia :slight_smile: