Stuart of Forvik (Shetlands) wypuszczony z wiezienia


Stuart, wolnosciowy dzialacz z wyspy Forvik, ktory zostal bezprawnie aresztowany, jest juz na wolnosci.

Oto jego email z aktualna sytuacja.

Prosimy czytac i go wspierac - dziala przeciwko “koronie z Londynu”.

[size=150]The Forvik Newsletter

Challenging the authority of Scotland and the UK in Shetland

26 March 2020 - out of prison (again!)

Dear All,

At long last I have been able to get access to my mailing list to start sending out newsletters again - it must be over a year since I was able to send the last one. It turns out that my main computer is just getting too elderly and is unable to handle it any more.

For almost a year I have been involved with a case in Orkney where I am being prosecuted (somewhat reluctantly) for not submitting a return of my election expenses when I stood in the 2017 UK general election. The ‘offence’ is alleged to have happened on 25 July 2017 and the case grinds on after nineteen hearings - mainly because the court has never been able to establish either territorial or personal jurisdiction. (It needs both).

There was a hearing on 19 February where the prosecutor wanted to excuse the witnesses I wished to call in my defence. The fact that they included all the sheriffs in the case (judges in the Scottish system}, the Lord Advocate, the chief of police, Boris Johnson and others is beside the point - they all had evidence that would either exonerate me, or prove conspiracy and corruption in the court and police. No surprise that they were swiftly swept aside.

I had included a copy of my book Stolen Isles as evidence and the sheriff had read the part where I say I record all the hearings I am involved in, for my own protection and in the interests of obtaining an accurate record. I understood it to be an offence to record in court, but, unless the court can be proved to exist, the ‘court room’ is merely a public space where I am at liberty to record as I wish. The sheriff offered me the opportunity to purge my ‘contempt’ by deleting the contents of my device, but I pointed out that he must first prove there is a court before there can be any contempt of it.

Then the most surreal part - the sheriff first asked the prosecutor if she wished to take criminal proceedings, She answered (to my surprise) no, there was no offence. The sheriff then reasoned that, because I thought I was committing a contempt of court, that I was guilty and gave me a two months prison sentence!

It’s like you’re driving at 50 mph in a 60 mph zone, but because you think it’s a 40 mph zone, you commit an offence. The thought police are surely here!

Many hours of innocent fun to come.

I’m glad to be back in touch and looking forward to keeping you updated.


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Acting First Minister, Stuart: Hill, The Sovereign State of Forvik. ‘Building a new kind of society - from the inside out’: :wink:

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