Bio Veda - Alosha Lynov z RPA/RU


Dla tych ktorzy juz uciekaja z miasta na swoje farmy w wioskach i chca zyc off-grid polecam strone i kursy oferowane przez Aloshe.

Tak sie sklada, ze on tez mieszka teraz w RPA, a pochodzi z Rosji.

Czy ktos spotkal juz sie z taka wiedza i podobnymi stronami?


Bio Veda’s Mission & Vision

Practical Off-Grid-Living know how merging with the language of Bio Geometryand Nature producing Eco-Training that is step-by-step, fun and visually pleasing. We are driven to grow, from seed, global Eco Biotecture training centres, which sprout forth communities.

Water Self Sufficiency

Design and build a curvilinear as well as humanely comfortable, self sustaining, self regenerative and abundant water eco system for any garden.

Off-Grid Eco Homes

Design and build a fast, simple, economical, robust eco-home that nurtures and protects the dweller within.

What you can do

Sign up for our complimentary online value packed workshops on Water Self Sufficiency and Eco Homes as well as how you can co-create resilient and thriving intentional communities that are in harmony with all of life.,h_395,al_c,lg_1,q_80/webinarinvite-front-page1.webp